Hi friends!
Throughout the last few months of pregnancy, I had many emotional ups and downs. Not only do emotions and hormones near the end of gestating run a bit wild, but there was all the added anxiety, stress and fear around the pandemic, the fight for equality, political turmoil and all the other things weighing down the world right now - it was a lot for my ( or anyone’s) little heart. I was scared and often teary. My friend told me about the INNER COMPASS cards, and after my first time trying them, I was addicted. Every night I would sit with my huge belly and shuffle the deck with focus and intention. Then I would pull a card, and the card would give me the exact guidance and comfort I needed. No matter what you do or don’t believe re: the universe, I don’t think anything negative can come from a shift in perspective and some words of insight, comfort and love that remind you to look inwards. I am a firm believer in science, and I also am a bit woo woo. These cards give me what I need when stuck.
After using them for a few weeks, I was lucky enough to snag a zoom with the author herself, Neel Van Lierop. After talking to Neel for 2 minutes I felt more present, vulnerable and grounded than I had in months. Neel is peaceful, loving, and wise. While I usually tape my zooms for the blog, she immediately said, “I think you need some pampering, let me read your cards”. I started crying. I needed some extra TLC, but had been go go going with work, mothering, pregnancy, etc…. and was feeling emotional and physical burn out. I told Neel about all the nagging fears and worries I was spinning about - I could not quiet my mind- or at least I thought I couldn’t until this baby was safely out of my belly. I assume this is something many can relate to; as the unknown is a great source of anxiety. Neel pulled cards from both the Inner Compass deck, and the Love deck, and tears streamed down my face as she read. The messages felt even more powerful coming from Neel herself. I felt at ease for the first time in months. . Each moment, each struggle, each obstacle in this life is truly a gift and lesson. And there is a lot to learn and discover.
My intention as a mother of two is to ground myself deep into this earth, to be open and honest, to listen, to lead from my heart, and to be filled ( and fill others) with love. I will let my babies and loved ones be my teachers. There will always be things that trigger fear and anxiety, but if I have the right tools, I will always be able to let them go. I will continue to show my children that kindness, inclusivity and LOVE are the most important qualities of all. And that we need to take care of one another and this planet if we are to survive. If I lead with love, I can only hope my tiny gurus will too. Please know I am sending you all the love too, now go #beyourbestself
Xoxo, Amy
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Q&A with Neel Van Lierop
What’s your favorite type of workout? Dancing!
How do you motivate yourself when you aren’t in the mood to workout? I needed to force myself, but somehow I learnt how to listen to my body nowadays and about three times a week it desires cardio, and then I go for either ecstatic dance, hiking or cycling.
What is your favorite recipe? Two shots of beans with a hint of oatly. It’s called a flat white ;)
Fave form of self-care? Sleep !
Fave product (can be brand or product)? Pure argan oil
Fave gift to give... and receive? Quality time!
What wellness hack is a part of your daily or weekly routine? Intermittent fasting
Fave Wellness/lifestyle IG account that you follow? Guru jagat
I feel better when : there’s no stress, no to-do-list. So I got rid of it.
What prompted you to start Inner Compass? I realized how powerful it is to leave the ever controlling mind behind for a moment, and pick a card from another intelligence which is part of our operating system.
How did you choose what the different cards would be? Very intuitively. Actually, There was not much of a choice. The more I trusted to process, the more clearly and effortlessly I ‘downloaded’ the themes and its algorithm
What was your process for writing the descriptions? the words came effortlessly too. It feels like I’m just a vessel for wisdom that is available to anyone.
What’s one piece of advice or wisdom you would like to share? What really helped me towards more flow, serendipity and joy is, to put the mind on the passenger’s seat and my heart - or intuition, or gut feelings - on the driver’s seat.
Currently crushing on…
Inner Compass Cards
“Designed with intention to aid in personal growth and awakening, the cards open new life pathways and perceptions exploring alternative themes and patterns. let your subconscious unravel the many layers of universal wisdom and symbolism within it’s depths and remember, all the world is yours. is an easy-to-use, highly effective tool for self-reflection and personal growth with playful and whimsical undertones.”
My top choice for hydration. Made from reverse osmosis water, minerals from the great salt lakes, Amla Berry (antioxidant), and a hint of stevia, this drink is not only your best shot at getting electrolytes but is also super delish. It’s like Gatorade but with NO chemicals. My faves are Pink Lemonade and Black Cherry.
“Soulful and uproarious, forceful and tender, Untamed is both an intimate memoir and a galvanizing wake-up call. It is the story of how one woman learned that a responsible mother is not one who slowly dies for her children, but one who shows them how to fully live. It is the story of navigating divorce, forming a new blended family, and discovering that the brokenness or wholeness of a family depends not on its structure but on each member’s ability to bring her full self to the table. And it is the story of how each of us can begin to trust ourselves enough to set boundaries, make peace with our bodies, honor our anger and heartbreak, and unleash our truest, wildest instincts so that we become women who can finally look at ourselves and say: There She Is”
Mary Rath Organics
I have tried a bunch of prenatal vitamins, and this is the one my body and stomach like best. It’s a personal choice- you’ll have to see what works for you, but I am a huge fan of Mary Ruth’s. Completely organic and toxic free- the founder is currently on her third pregnancy! Here are her rec’s for pregnancy: 1. Probiotic Prenatal Capsules 2. Probiotic Postnatal Capsules(once baby is born) 3. Vitamin C From time to time during pregnancy when around anyone sick, or feeling like you are getting sick 4. Pineapple Liquid Nighttime Multimineral 5. Liquid Morning Multivitamin. Ellie also takes her kid’s gummy vitamin! Got you a discount code too! Use AMY15 for 15% off your order (Minimum purchase of $23.95)
I am obsessed with this brand- it feels so luxurious and clean. I really feel l am pampering myself when I use their products. YUM. I get from Detox Market, but you can also order through their sight.
Ocean. Sun. Earth. Atmosphere. Plant-based seaweed skin & body care. Harnessing the power of earth + ocean essences